
The 3 Most Common Types of Mold in Fallbrook CA Homes

February 21, 2021

The 3 Most Common Types of Mold in Fallbrook CA Homes

You may or may not be aware that there are over 100,000 different types of mold that exist on our planet to this date. It’s pretty wild to realize that. You learn something new every day!

But out of sheer curiosity, do you know what the most common types of mold are? You’ve come to the right place as we’re about to discuss just that. It’s always good to expand your horizons on the topic of mold, especially if you believe your home may have a mold problem.

Studies Reveal That the Most Common Types of Mold Are…

Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Rhizopus – these are the top three types of mold known to man. This was discovered when conducting studies on moldy bread. And one of these varieties might just be growing in your home right now.

While these particular three types of mold aren’t incredibly dangerous for humans, they can, however, pose a serious threat for those who have a weakened immune system – such as those of a certain age, those with a pre-existing medical condition, or those who have recently gone through cancer treatment or are taking certain medications. Even milder or less serious forms of mold such as these top three types of mold can trigger uncomfortable symptoms or health-related issues in the general population, even in your average healthy adult or child.

Get Professional Mold in Fallbrook CA Dealt With!

It’s important to know that anyone can be affected by any type of mold, even if they are relatively healthy individuals otherwise. Even the smallest of allergy problems might strike as a result of being exposed to mold for a short period of time, and even those small allergy issues can pose big problems for your overall wellness, productivity, and mood. Not to mention, many of us are working or going to school from home now during COVID-19, which means there’s a greater chance of being affected by mold growing in your home. That being said, it’s incredibly important to get even small mold issues in your home dealt with as soon as you can.

The best way to get a mold problem on your residence taken care of is to call out 1st Choice Plumbing, Food & Restoration to your Fallbrook, CA home. We’re experts when it comes to any type of mold and know exactly how to eradicate it and restore your home good as new to keep you and your loved ones safe and sound! And we provide great pricing.

Get in touch with 1st Choice today by calling us at 866-437-0205. We’re always here to help, no matter how little or how big your mold issue might be!