
Do You Know About the Harms of Hard Water? Get Water Softening in Del Mar CA

December 14, 2019
Do You Know About the Harms of Hard Water? Get Water Softening in Del Mar CA

A majority of people are aware that water contains various contaminants from organic sentiments to possible pesticides and hormones. So, it’s no surprise that thousands of residents in Southern California are concerned about the quality of their home’s water supply. This is the water that they’ll be bathing in, washing their clothes and dishes with, and even drinking and cooking with after all.

You may know the importance regarding having filtered water at home for drinking and cooking purposes, but do you know if your water is considered hard or soft? Are you aware of the disadvantages hard water can hold? Find out all the details below.

Hard Water vs. Soft Water

Simply put, hard water contains a significant amount of dissolved minerals including calcium, lime, chalk, and magnesium. Soft water, on the other hand, is merely treated with sodium. A simple home test can help you figure out whether your water is soft or hard.

Hard and soft water can also typically be determined on a visual level. Dull, sticky hair? Dandruff and dry skin? Clean dishes left with spots? Dull-looking clothing after washing it? Soap scum stuck in your bathtub? These all may be the result of hard water. If these aren’t issues in your household, your water supply might be soft.

The Problems with Hard Water

If the latter paragraph didn’t introduce to you some of the harms of hard water enough, trust us, there’s more. Other problems with hard water include:

  • Negative impact on household appliances
  • Alters the effectiveness of soaps and detergents (i.e., less lather)
  • Can possibly increase or trigger eczema, especially in young children
  • May increase the use of energy

Say Goodbye to Hard Water, Get Water Softening Today!

Sure, hard water may taste better than its soft water counterpart and contain more minerals that are beneficial for our daily dietary needs, but hard water certainly doesn’t leave you with beautiful clothes, hair, or dishes. And the fact that hard water is bad for our appliances alone is a reason to want to make the switch to soft water.

So, if hard water is healthy for you and tastes better, but soft water is better for your appliances, hair, skin, and the like, which is the “correct” type of water to opt for, for your household? Leave it to us, the experts! We can make sure you get the best of both worlds with a solution that works for you personally. Or if you’re completely set on getting water softening in Del Mar, CA, we can do that for too. Either way, get our plumbing services 15% off by scheduling an appointment with us soon. Phone us up at 866-437-0205 today!